One act of data theft could ruin everything in hours or even days, leaving the company shattered and often unable to recover. Security testing should be mandatory to avoid these unforeseeable dire scenarios. As cyber criminals find new ways to breach the firewall, it is important that enterprises update their software testing mechanisms to protect their assets and reputation against the next possible breach – helpful resources!
The threat of cybercrime involving data theft is a real concern as the digital world has become interconnected in almost all areas of our lives. This includes our homes, our banks, our retail outlets, our healthcare, our travels, our entertainment and much more. News reports show that individuals and businesses are victims of such crimes every day. These crimes result in staggering losses, both financially and in terms of trust.
As the future is increasingly dictated through IT and related ecosystems, such as IoT (Internet of Things), it’s important that everyone, including individuals, businesses, and governments, are aware of these threats, while also implementing robust data security measures. Cost-cutting measures should not be put in front of the development of such security systems, as any laxity can have catastrophic results.
In order to prevent companies from being victims of data breaches, security testing should be performed on systems, applications and products. This is done by identifying any vulnerabilities or flaws within the security setup. This testing is more important than ever as online transactions are the norm and data thefts can have serious consequences.
Customers’ trust in the brand or products is eroded
Loss of revenue to the company due to customer compensation and other penalties
Costs of reshaping or rebuilding security paraphernalia
There are many different types of threats, from the innocuous to the lethal.
SQL Injection
Unauthorised access to a secure system
Identity theft
Hacking passwords
Cross Site Scripting Threat
Refusing legitimate service users
Software security testing is a challenging task for software testing experts.
Risk Assessment: Study the objectives of your business, product ranges, customer needs, and patterns of product usage and identify areas that could lead to data breaches.
Identification of threats: In addition to identifying the vulnerabilities, a threat profile is needed where different types of threats are defined, such as SQL Injection (SQL Injection), XSS (XSS) and Identify Theft.
Simulating threats is the best way to find vulnerabilities in a system.
When analysing the applications that will be tested, it is important to keep in mind their requirements. This includes information about the hardware, operating system, and network.
Security tools to be identified: In addition to manual security modules that are set up, security testing tools which run automatically should also be used. Browser Exploitation framework, Brakeman Flawfinder Wireshark Vega, etc. are some of the tools.
Retest the fixes. Once software security testing is completed and any flaws have been fixed, the program should be retested to ensure that there are no underlying vulnerabilities.
Conclusion : Security testing is not a one-time activity. Online threats are constantly evolving. Enterprises must therefore be vigilant to avoid the next breach.