One of the most critical times in a mother’s lifetime is giving birth. You might be surprised to hear that postpartum doula has just as much importance for a woman. After a major and difficult life change, finding time for you can be challenging – particularly when you are still adjusting after having a child in your family. The midwives services are very beneficial to pregnant women.
Luna Madre Midwifery offers a range of services to ease and comfort women who are going through this period. Our services include birth at home; postpartum health care services; physical therapy. This article is a list of essential items every new mother needs as soon after delivery as possible to help them adjust to being a mom. Let’s get to it!
What is Postpartum Disorder?
Postpartum is the time period following childbirth during which a mother recovers physically and emotionally from the challenges of childbirth. Postpartum can range from a matter of days to a number of months. The postpartum period is important for women to look after themselves. They need to make sure they maintain their health and well being. Take care of your newborn and yourself when you are giving birth.
What Postpartum Care Needs Do You Have?
If you’re expecting a child or have just had one, there are certain things that you need to make it through the postpartum phase. Here’s our list of essentials:
Physical Rest: You need to give yourself time to rest and recover. It’s important that you take some time off from your baby to relax. You can schedule breaks in the day for you to get some rest.
Mental Rest. Both you and the baby will be going through a lot of changes and transitions after your postpartum. To heal emotionally and mentally, you must allow yourself mental peace and relaxation. Try yoga, deep breaths, meditation or other practices to help you ease into motherhood.
Supportive People. It’s crucial to have people around who will help you navigate your postpartum phase. They can be friends, family members who can offer emotional and practical support or even professionals who can give guidance in this period of transition. This will allow you to move through your postpartum with peace and ease.
Key Postpartum Supplies
The most important thing a new mother needs is rest. She should also avoid any strenuous physical activity and work. Rest your body for 8 to 12 hours every day after childbirth.
You should also drink a lot of fluids, to hydrate your body and replace fluids you have lost during childbirth. Be sure to drink plenty of water and juice. This will replenish your hydration.
Women who have just had a baby need nutritional support. To help her recovery from the physical, emotional, and psychological challenges of childbirth she should eat healthy foods with high protein content and vegetables. Avoid eating high-calorie snacks and foods that will cause her to gain weight. A nutritious diet can help nourish the body and promote a quick recovery after giving birth.
Last but not least, women who are postpartum need to take good care of their own mental health. If they feel stressed, avoid the stressors. Seek counseling or other services for mental health. These steps can help her recover physically and emotionally from childbirth within a short period of time.
Also, a woman needs to sleep a lot. The body undergoes a lot of stress during pregnancy and childbirth. This is why it needs rest and healing time. Get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night, even though you may have to go bed earlier than normal.
Do not forget to treat yourself with kindness. It is difficult to deal effectively with the hormones, feelings, and physical modifications that come with postpartum. However, it is important to be kind with yourself.
Adult diapers! It’s not as strange as it may sound. The postpartum hemorrhage is heavy. Just after giving birth, you will have a large wound the same size of your placenta. Over the course of 4-6 week, it will lose its blood. Due to the severity of this bleeding, overnight pads might not be appropriate. Hospital pads may also slip. What is your solution? Adult Diapers The adult diapers are absorbent. The diapers are able to wick away moisture quickly. These diapers can help you avoid bleeding in your underwear as well as on bedsheets and other clothing.