The transformation of a room with a new paint job is incredible. The paint can brighten a dark room, or add elegance to an area. Others think it’s too hard to paint the interior of their houses. Some elbow grease, the right paints and a little time can be used to redecorate your room – visit us!
Preparation of Interior Painting
Prior to painting, spend upto 75% your time in preparation. Remove any items of value or furniture from your workspace that might be damaged by painting. The furniture can either be removed or covered up using old sheets or dropcloths. You can protect your hardwood, tile and carpet floors from paint spills by covering them in plastic. You should remove any non-permanent outlet covers or lighting fixtures. All non-permanent outlets and light fixtures should be removed. This will simplify the process of painting.
Surface inspection and repairs
While painting can hide some of the imperfections on your wall, it will not cover them all. You can use spackling adhesive to repair any rough holes. The paste is easily available at hardware stores.
You should be on the lookout for cracked or loose walls when you prepare the wall before painting. With an utility knives, you can remove them. To repair the crack, use thick plaster to reach its deepest point. To achieve a smoother finish, apply a layer of thick plaster paste over the remaining material after the crack repair. Assure that the surface is thoroughly dried before applying paint.
* Cleaning and degreasing
As with any surface in your house, walls, ceilings and doors need to be clean before you can paint them. Dirt and most stains can be easily removed with a moistened towel. When you need to degrease and clean stains, mix some powered laundry detergent with water. Use clean rags in soapy, water to wipe away dirt and grease. You can use only a water-soaked, clean cloth to wipe the surface to remove any soap. The paint can be damaged by dirt and dust that is on the surface. You should always clean your surface thoroughly before you paint.
Use the Right paint
You can easily get confused in the aisles at hardware stores with all of the colors available. Here are some tips to make selecting the perfect shade easier for your next home painting project.