If you are deciding to choose Web Hosting for a website among the most important queries that needs to be addressed is the selection of operating system for the server, go here! There are numerous operating systems to choose from, but there are two dominant options for servers on the web – Windows as well as Linux. Two of the most widely used and well-known web hosting solutions are Windows and Linux. Almost all web hosting companies provide two operating platforms.
Both platforms are good however each platform has its distinct advantages and disadvantages. Linux is an open source platform, but Windows does not. Both have fans and an enthralling number of critics.
The decision between these two platforms should be made by looking at the needs of your customers and not just your sentiments. Below are some things you need to consider before taking a decision about the web hosting platform.
What was the platform that your application built on? That is the initial issue to ask. The website or application you have created is made by using Microsoft technology, such as.Net. That means your hosting will be windows-based. Certain technology is compatible with both Windows and Mac OS. Occasionally, however, the operating system used by your software may make it necessary to use the same web host. Database is utilized by many websites. Windows Server is required if you’re using MS SQL Server.
The choice to do this must be made in advance of the application being written. A mistake in the process of moving the website could cause lot of headaches!
Security. The e-commerce website must be 100% secure. Every application that holds sensitive data or financial data should be secure. Linux web hosting is seen to be more secure as compared to Windows. Windows contain a myriad of well-known security vulnerabilities (though remedied quickly) that are frequently exploited by viruses and hackers. It is known how secure servers is dependent on the skill of an administrator they have. Windows servers are secure under an administrator who is proactive.
Linux Servers are Cheaper than Windows Servers as Linux is Free. Linux could be more expensive yet that doesn’t mean it’s anything less efficient than Windows servers. Windows is the opposite. Windows must be purchased. This means additional costs. If you’re a webmaster this difference in price isn’t very noticeable. The slight difference in the cost of hosting doesn’t alter the odds against Linux by a big margin.
4) Learning Curve: Linux operating system has an extensive learning curve. For those who work with a traditional desktop OS to learn Linux could be a total challenge. However, if you opt for Linux web hosting then you need not worry about the process. There will be a number of internet-based apps that allow you to communicate with your server with ease. The applications allow you to accomplish almost any task such as FTP as well as database management. by using these programs.
You may have noticed that there’s not a winner this endless war between two formidable foes. This is the only reason why the platform employed by the application is a key factor. The personal preference of you will dictate the platform you choose.
It doesn’t matter which platform you select, but it’s crucial to make sure you select a trusted and well-known web hosting service that offers minimum time to go down, a good speed and speedy assistance.